Hi Friends!
Dear HackVenture readers today I
am going to tell you How to Remove
virus Using Command Prompt. Your Pendrive virus can be
easily be removed using this technique.
There are certain steps through which
you can remove a virus using command prompt
The very important thing you have to do is
Important: Make sure that no other processes
being running while performing these actions.
Step 1.
Press Windows+R run dialogue box open and type
Step 2.
Open the infected drive such as write , g: to go to G drive.
Now type dir/w/a . It will show all the files of the drive
including hidden files.
Locate AUTORUN.INF or any Virus and other suspicious
files in the directory.
here was no virus in my drive so only autorun.inf is been
Step 3.
Type command attrib -r –a –s –h to remove attributes
of corresponding file.
Step 4.
Type del autorun.inf to delete autorun.inf file.
Step 5.
Now type del virus name.exe t delete it,
eg : del newfolder.exe .
(You can also delete viruses by using following steps:
When you find an Autorun.inf file or any other unusual .exe
file just rename it.
Syntax for rename is (rename filename.extension new name ,
for example: (rename autorun.inf virus) to rename autorun.inf
file. Here I have renamed it by “virus”.
Now you can access the defected drive without
affecting the virus.
To delete the renamed file go to the defected drive
and select the file you renamed.
Now delete the harmful renamed files.)
You have deleted that virus successfully
but sometimes virus resides in the Recycler folder.
To locate this folder:
Type cd recycler command.
Again type dir/w/a to locate all file of the folder.
Identify malicious files and delete them using
above commands.
Follow the above steps carefully
and i think this information is enough
to remove a virus using command prompt easily.
Thank You !
+ Muzammil Khan
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